The Resident is an American medical drama television series that aired on Fox from January 21, 2018, to January 17, 2023. In the 2017–18 television season, the show made its midseason debut on Fox as a midseason replacement. The show centers on the responsibilities and daily lives of the employees at the made-up Chastain Park Memorial Hospital.
Fox purchased the show from Showtime in 2017. Amy Holden Jones, Hayley Schore, and Roshan Sethi developed the program. In May 2021, the fifth season of the show was renewed, and it premiered on September 21, 2021. The sixth season of the show, which debuted on September 20, 2022, was renewed in May of 2022. Finally, in April 2023, the series was canceled after six seasons.
Who plays AJ on The Resident?
At Chastain Park Memorial Hospital, Dr. AJ Austin practices triple-boarded cardiothoracic, general, and trauma surgery. He is portrayed by Malcolm-Jamal Warner.
He’s often volatile, dramatic, irreverent, and even abusive, but he is also kind-hearted and caring. It takes constant balancing to keep his overwhelming talent in check and his moods under control.
Who is AJ’s dad?
Yee is the adoptive father of AJ. Michael Paul Chan played the part of him.
In addition, he was the spouse of Carol Austin and a beloved cast member. Yee is involved in Seasons 3 and 4 of the show and took part in a few different episodes.
His debut on the show occurs in the episode Choice Words, and his final appearance is in the episode Into the Unknown.
What happened to AJ’s dad on The Resident?
Sadly, it was revealed in the fifth season of The Resident that Yee died during the four-year time skip.
This is why the character is no longer seen after the fourth season. So, too, is Carol (AJ’s mother)– Carol also dies, though she dies in the fifth season after she is given a cancer diagnosis.
The challenge for many fans is that AJ’s father is not given enough information about what happened to him. This is frequently the case with series that feature a large and dynamic cast, making it difficult to predict when cast changes will occur.
It is unfortunate, though, that he lost both of his parents. Both were well-liked characters for the relatively short period that they spent on-screen.
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