What happened to Crosshairs hand? Why is Crosshairs hand shaking?

During the Clone Wars, Crosshair—previously known as CT-9904—was a clone commando who was a member of Clone Force 99 in the Grand Army of the Republic.

Crosshair possessed genetic mutations that gave him exceptional eyesight and marksmanship skills. He thus performed the roles of a long-range fighter and a sniper.

Crosshair fans have a lot of things to be happy about these days in The Bad Batch, but his hand tremors aren’t one of them. The tremors have increased in frequency, which is concerning.

Crosshair has been trembling, but no obvious cause has been offered. He is probably not ready to have his hand examined, so there probably will not be one anytime soon.

Crosshair’s ability to hit targets with accuracy is now being impeded by the tremors, which makes him appear less like an elite soldier. This might lead to dire consequences for Crosshair and the batch, but what’s causing these tremors?

What happened to Crosshairs hand?

In “The Return,” when Hunter confronts him about his past, Crosshair’s hand begins to shake. This may be contributing to his PTSD. Crosshair may have been tortured on Mount Tantiss. This could be the cause of his hand tremors in addition to the frequent blood draws.

The Bad Batch Season 3’s first four episodes have demonstrated that Crosshair is no longer the proficient marksman he once was.

Crosshair’s hand has been seen trembling since the experiments he underwent on Mount Tantiss, making it difficult for him to take a steady shot.

There are several reasons why he could be experiencing this. such as nerve gas toxicity, PTSD, brain injury, and many more.

Without a doubt, Crosshair has experienced terrible things. His experiences during the Clone War and his time at Mount Tantiss have been very stressful, and the tremor in his hand might be the result of that stress.

He keeps his emotions mostly to himself and has not discussed what happened to him while he was a prisoner on Mount Tantiss with anyone.

In “The Return,” when Hunter confronts him about his past, Crosshair’s hand begins to shake. This may be contributing to his PTSD. Crosshair may have been tortured on Mount Tantiss. This could be the cause of his hand tremors, in addition to the frequent blood draws.

What happened to Crosshairs hand
Crosshairs hand

On a comparable note, Crosshair has sustained injuries throughout his life, not just from his head injury in Season 1. As a soldier, Crosshair has taken numerous hits to the head and limbs. He may have suffered damage from a head injury that is causing tremors in his hand.

Time will tell why Crosshair is having tremors, but it’s clearly a major plot point and will significantly impact what he does for the rest of the season. Most viewers were hoping that he would be the show’s main focus.

Seeing his growth as a character is great, but the tremors cause concern for Crosshair’s future. I hope it is nothing more than a challenge he can conquer and nothing that will seriously endanger him or his siblings.

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