What happened to Crystal Castles? The Sudden Disappearance of the Popular Band

Back in the early 2000s, Crystal Castle was one of the most popular electronic music bands. The band gained momentum with its beginning itself. The band initially had two members, Ethan Kath, and Alice Glass.

Crystal Castles was a popular band in Toronto, Ontario but later its music spread around the world, giving it worldwide recognition.

However, despite being so popular across the globe, they stopped publishing new songs and doing concerts. Well, the reason behind it is shocking and disheartening.

Alice’s Step into the Music World

Alice Glass was quite young when she joined the world of music. Back in the 2000s, she was known as Margaret Osborn and was a bright high school student. She was just two credits away from being a high school graduate but just then she met Ethan Kath and her life took a huge turn.

Alice never knew that Ethan would take her to heights and that they would start an electric music band called Crystal Castles. The band touched many heights and its first two albums themselves were hits.

The albums reached the NME’s list of the top 100 albums of the decade. It also made its way to the Billboard 200 chart. But things took a drastic turn when Alice left Crystal Castles in 2014.

What happened to Crystal Castles?

Crystal Castles stopped performing or realising songs after Alice Glass made allegations against Ethan Kath. Alice Glass accused Ethan Kath of sexual assault when the band was promoting their album Amnesty (I).

She revealed that Ethan had assaulted her since she was 15. He intoxicated her when she was 15 and took advantage of her. Later, Alice Glass won the case.

What happened to Crystal Castles
Crystal Castles

Horrifying Revelations by Alice Glass

After leaving Crystal Castles in October 2014, Alice took to the hashtag #MeToo and shared the petrifying details of how she was treated and assaulted by Ethan Kath.

Kath stalked her when she was in high school and not to forget, he was ten years older than her. He intoxicated her when they had sex and it wasn’t always consensual.

She also brought out the fact that he laughed at her when she told him how their recording engineer sexually harassed her. It did not stop there; he even somehow managed to convince Alice to leave high school after they were invited to the U.K. tour. He always controlled her, from what she was wearing to whom she was talking.

Even she wasn’t allowed to have a phone or credit card or handle her emails. Kath eventually started physically abusing her and poisoning her insecurities and whenever she tried to leave him, he started apologizing and swearing he wouldn’t do it ever again. Well, everyone knows how these people manipulate by doing something nice and kind after abuse.

Justice was Served

After facing so much trouble from a young age and standing up for herself, finally, justice was served to Alice Glass. After the accusations, Ethan Kath sued Allice Glass for defamation; however, his defamation lawsuit was dismissed and he was ordered to pay Glass almost $21,000 in legal fees.

Glass released her first solo album about abusive relationships and reached deserving heights in her career. She continues making music Crystal Castles has disbanded after the accusation of Alice Glass.

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